4 thoughts on “"A Tomboy Grows Up" – 1948”

  1. Oh, this is hilarious. My favorite parts are how she “tortured” poor Freddie and her explanation of how she won the trick-riding prize. XD

    Also, I didn’t know she played the piano! What is the last sentence in that paragraph: “…for an actress, is strangely shy about it…”?

    Thanks a bunch for this,

  2. Haha, I’m glad you like it 🙂 That’s my favorite part too–how she tortured Freddie. I really laughed at that, hahaha.

    That line, I believe, is “–she still seldom plays for people”

    Thanks for popping in 🙂

  3. This article, as Roz would say, is “delicious”! I love it! And she played the piano? At last…we have something in common! Yay! 🙂 So, is that really her playing in some of the scenes such as “It Had to Happen” and “West Point of the Air?” Thanks so much for posting this!

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