Category Archives: Photos

A Farewell to Classic Actress Tourney 2013

Dear readers,

I have had so much fun co-hosting this tournament this year. In fact, I think I had more fun this year than last year, my first time at bat. I think this is because I knew more about my duties and what I am supposed to do as a co-host, as well as the fact that I hosted the same 1940s decade as last year, which is also my favorite decade of film.

As you all know, this is a blog dedicated to Rosalind Russell, and while she did not even make it past Round 1 (tear!), I hope she will do better in the future. I have always considered Rosalind a severely underrated actress, even though she was nominated for an Oscar four times and nominated for a Golden Globe five times (and won every time!). However, the truly remarkable thing about Roz is her true personality and real self. From what I know of her, I think of her as a rather selfless person who would give so much of her time away from her “day job” as actress, wife, and mother to charities. The only Oscar she received was not for her acting work, but for her charity work. I just started writing this freely as words came to my mind, so now that this is in the front of my mind, I’d like to share with you Roz’s acceptance speech of that lone Oscar, which was so special and sweet to her and to her fans, I am sure. This video always makes me tear up a little because she had been so ill at the time (from her cancer, perhaps, but mostly from her rheumatoid arthritis, for which she had to take cortisone shots that disfigured her figure and bloated her face). Take a look!

And once again, I would like to thank Monty of All Good Things for asking me to co-host the tournament this year and I hope to make a good impression next year as well. I hope everyone had a good time voting for their favorite actresses, even if some were surprised by the results. It was such good fun! Until next year!

Better luck next year, Roz! We love you!
Here is the video:

Photo of the Day

Hey everyone!

I just started classes again today… the first time since December 2011. Haha. It was weird to be in a classroom again. Although I usually have bad anxiety before going to a class the first time, it wasn’t quite like that this time. I think I genuinely wanted to learn again. I guess I want to be a student. Anyway, the first class is PhotoShop I. I haven’t learned much, but I’m anxious to learn. I wonder what kind of neat stuff I’ll learn as the class progresses? Maybe I’ll edit a photo of Roz! If I do something like that, I’ll share it with all of you 🙂 Take care, you all!

I feel pretty content as Roz does in this picture. And I know I’ve PROBABLY shared it before, but I can’t help it because it’s one of my favorites… one of those “sparkling eyes” pictures 🙂

Photo of the Day

I can’t find all my Roz photos on my new computer! I could have sworn I put them on here. So strange. So right now, I’ve been taking some of the photos that I have uploaded on Facebook, which is quite a lot. Hopefully, I can recover those photos again. I am not sure where they are at the moment.

Love her dress in this photo. Also… I think I”m making this face right now! Haha

I know it’s just a screenshot, but I love this adorable pose between Roz and Fred MacMurray in “Flight for Freedom” (1943)

Photo of the Day

I feel like I became a recluse recently or something, and completely forgot about my blog. I need to turn my life around and get going on this blog as well because it does make me happy when I write for it. I just forgot about that joy. By the way, I will be helping out with the Classic Actress Tournament again, which I guess will start in March. This means that I need to start making my list for the 1940s era of classic actresses. Of course, if you have any suggestions of an actress you’d like to compete as one of the 32 actresses, let me know 🙂 Thank you!

Sorry about the watermark, but I thought you’d enjoy this one because Roz’s son, Lance and husband, Freddie are in it. I love family photos! This was, of course, when she was filming “Auntie Mame”

Thanks to Alyssa…

Thanks to Alyssa M. of Oh So Very Classic, I have received my very first blog award! I couldn’t believe that I had… it was very kind of her. I will do the full post for the Versatile Blogger Award as soon as I can, and for now, I would just like to thank her! 🙂

P.S. I discovered that her blog is a fairly new one and I think she’ll have some good reads soon, so you should go and follow her 😉

While having her tea, Roz heard about the blogger award and was very happy! After all, this blog came to be because of her 😉