Here is a cute picture of Roz with her son, Lance Brisson in 1958 on the Queen Mary ship.
Hello everyone and welcome to the new site for my Rosalind Russell blog. I hope you like it and keep coming back as I post more things.
Please take the time to vote in the poll. I’d really like to know your opinion!
Have a good week! 🙂
Which actress do you prefer?
Total Voters: 55
I have been looking through my old videos today and sometimes I cringe at parts because I am always thinking about how much better something can be… but sometimes I think some of the older videos aren’t so bad… I enjoy watching the videos I made of Roz because they are special because she is special in my heart!
This is an older one that I made, but I think the above one is better. What do you think?
P.S. It still warms my heart that one of the first videos that comes up when you search for Rosalind Russell is this picture montage I made of her marriage to Frederick Brisson (I still can’t understand why it gets so many hits and comments, but I love it!)
Everything here will be moving shortly over to my new website, which I started yesterday… This is the site so far:Â Click here!
By the way, don’t forget to vote in the final matches for the Classic Actress Tournament on Monty’s blog! Just click on the 1930s era button in the sidebar and you’re there 🙂